
Everything You’ve Ever Wanted To Know About Your Biceps, Ever

By Rob Sulaver

Let's talk about turning water pistols into bazookas:

  1. Anatomy & muscle fiber makeup of the biceps...what do we know?

  2. Where does the word "bicep" come from?

  3. How do we train the different aspects?

  4. What's the most sure fire way to get ridiculous arms?

All good questions. Let's get 'em answered:

P.S. Interested in abs TOO? We gotcha covered. EVERYTHING YOU’VE EVER WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT ABS: http://owl.li/tX6cQ


Writer, trainer, coach, sports nutritionist and fitness ninja rockstar Rob Sulaver owns and operates Bandana Training. He dishes out fitness, nutrition, and lifestyle advice with a dash of awesomesauce and glass of ass-kick juice. Rob enjoys strong things like tanks, front squats, and fast twitch muscle fibers. He also loves to cuddle.

Website: http://www.bandanatraining.com/

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