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09/19/2012 | announcements

Total Recall Book Trailer

Check out the trailer for Arnold Schwarzenegger's Total Recall Book and order now! Monday is almost here! Read more

08/20/2012 | announcements

Congratulations, Todd

I was shocked by your response to the voicemail contest. Once again, you reminded me that I have the best fans in the world. But there could be only one winner. Read more

08/16/2012 | announcements


I want to thank all of you for following my updates. I will draw one of you at random on Monday morning, and I will record your voicemail for you. Read more

07/12/2012 | announcements

Thank You For the Pictures!

I asked all of you to work with this wild picture to make memes to help us launch this site. Here are some of our favorites. Read more

01/05/2006 | announcements

Governor Schwarzenegger’s 2007 Inaugural Address

As governor, I feel a responsibility to conduct the public business in a way that furthers these blessings . . . so that our people continue to live in harmony and prosperity. How we do that is what I’d like to talk to you about today. Read more
