Post by Rob Sulaver | 09/26/2012

Why Do We Get Fat?

Most people will say we get fat because we eat too much and exercise too little. Enter, the 100 calorie snack pack. Read more

Post by Sean Hyson | 09/19/2012

Six Things Your Gym Must Have

Most gyms are not interested in whether you meet your goals or not. It’s ironic that the place you go to get in shape may be what’s holding back your progress. Read more

Post by Jim Smith | 09/12/2012

Bench Press 101

No other exercise is more revered than the bench press. The majority of lifters are typically immersed in endless sets of every bench press variation you could imagine. Read more

Post by Alli McKee | 09/10/2012

The Art of Flipping the Switch

What’s your current ambition? I would imagine waking up every morning without a goal could be very lackluster. And, don’t play down the importance of your goal, what you desire and/or whether or not you can achieve it. Read more

Post by John Kiefer | 09/07/2012

Carb Back-Loading: Training Without Carbs

Stripping carbs from your diet appears to make the central nervous system function with greater efficiency—as motor signals increase in amplitude. This allows for an increase in single-rep power production and fine-motor control. In other words, your ability to coordinate movement is augmented by the absence of carbs. Read more

Post by John Romaniello | 09/05/2012

Intensity vs. Inanity

Bottom line: This stuff is hard. It's supposed to be hard. If getting a great body was easy, every woman would look Jessica Biel, and every guy would have a body like Kellan Lutz. Read more