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Best Wishes for Success


Total Posts: 1

Joined 2012-09-28


I would not “sugar coat” Mr. Schwarzenegger’s very human family crisis of an out-of-wedlock child, but neither would I condemn the situation as an abrogation of genuine humanity.  His reluctance to speak out on the matter when his son was very young, and his concern for his married family’s emotional feelings of loving security and succor is only natural.  I cannot imagine being in such a situation myself, but I am sure that Mr. Schwarzenegger is neither the first nor the only person to have dealt with this particular issue.  His complete and candid acceptance of his own culpability and responsibility when confronted with the facts of the matter speaks volumes to his sense of paternity and accountability of the most difficult kind.  We would all like to believe that his spouse would never be in the same situation as he.  But neither would we believe that many women have not also been involved in this very same issue, and that their spouses have believed that someone else’s child was his own.  So this is neither vindication nor vanquishment of either of the sexes—this entreaty is merely mortal consolation of sorts for an unfortunate incident in a very loving and understanding relationship.  Personally I would hope that their marriage can be reconciled to its accommodating and trusting partnership, providing spectacular human development assistance for physically and emotionally challenged youth charities.

Both Mr. and Mrs. Schwarzenegger have shown themselves to be superior individuals in a very human and natural sense.  It would be a most unfortunate outcome of this similarly human and natural situation if their combined efforts in providing less fortunate persons the team-managed benefits of their very talented personae were to cease!  To err is human, indeed; to forgive may actually only be divine.  To forget is nearly impossible, and need not be forgotten at all.  But to move on in a matter as seemingly intractable as this one shows the real and true nature of extraordinary people, and The Schwarzeneggers are precisely that—truly extraordinary people.  They are not “tabloid fodder.”  They are winners in the most essential sense of pure human nature—and they are in my prayers.  For the sake of essential hope in an otherwise very difficult world, please join me in wishing them well.  Believe with me that hope is possible, and join with me in wishing Governor and Mrs. Schwarzenegger a sincere wish for their continued recovery and ultimate success.  They will certainly NOT be the last couple to deal with this very private issue in such a public forum.


Total Posts: 457

Joined 2012-09-19


I want to wish success and best of luck for Arnold’s new book to be released tomorrow October 1, 2012 titled Total Recall - The Story Of My Life. Many people have been speculating and criticizing Arnold for various issues regarding his personal life as well as his career. I think Arnold has given his explanations to the world which would shut the mouths of his detractors and critics in the book.

Arnold is fighting a lone battle for his entry into the movies as an actor after his double stints as the Governor of California. He has also separated with his wife Maria and his 4 children who must also be missing their husband and dad respectively as much as Arnold misses them.

So it is time to stand by Arnold for all his fans, well-wishers and supporters.

I wish Arnold the very best again for the popularity and success of his autobiography.