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Concerning Ab development; Help
Hey, i’m not a big time gym guy or anything, i’ve been doing p90x for over a year but i’m looking for some suggestions concerning the development of my abs. The left is clearly more developed than my right, mainly the top left compared to the top right. If anyone has any suggestions as to what exercises i can do to bulk up the top right side fast that would be extremely appreciated because it’s looking kinda funky right now as im trying to go for a beach body. Thanks for any help !
My advise to you is to stop doing p90x and start lifting “HEAVY ASS WEIGHTS”. Things like the squat, deadlift and even bench will give you a strong, solid core (among other things). PM if you want some decent programs/workouts.
My advise to you is to stop doing p90x and start lifting “HEAVY ASS WEIGHTS”. Things like the squat, deadlift and even bench will give you a strong, solid core (among other things). PM if you want some decent programs/workouts.