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how about…


Total Posts: 7

Joined 2012-07-21


how about an anti chicken leg bodyweight workout?


Total Posts: 5

Joined 2012-07-23


I think if you prefer bodyweight, you can probably do the workout we just posted but substitute bodyweight squats for the barbell squats and bodyweight rocking calf raises for the barbell calf raises. Let’s get Roman in here to answer…


Total Posts: 1

Joined 2012-07-24


I would agree with Daniel, at least in the sense that I wouldn’t modify the routine posted in the leg article to be done with bodyweight. Post-activation potentiation doesn’t lend itself well to BW training.

That said, you can try something like this:

1) Squats - 15 reps  

perform 3 sets, resting 30 seconds between each. Then move on to:

2a) Reverse lunges - 10 reps
2b) Step ups - 10 reps

Alternate 2a and 2b back and forth until you complete 4 sets for each. Rest 30 seconds between them

3) Single leg glute bridge - 15 reps per leg

Perform 4 sets (per leg), resting 15 seconds between each.

Good luck!


Total Posts: 7

Joined 2012-07-21


wow, thanks. awesome.
edit- btw im not asking a bw workout to replace the weight workout cos thats impossible, we all know that. but this works pretty well to stay in shape when taking a summer break from the gym.


Total Posts: 28

Joined 2012-07-23


Don’t turn out like this guy:


Total Posts: 7

Joined 2012-07-21


lol hell no,better not being fit at all rather than being like that.