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ABS or 6-Pack Trend


Total Posts: 18

Joined 2012-07-23


This topic will be about all the stupid trends that pop up in fitness like yoga or as Arnold as mentioned “chicken legs”. But one trend that really makes me mad is this new look as skinny as possible to get a 6 pack. Now a 6 pack should be an accessory to the overall package. In other word like rims are to a car. But now people are getting these amazing rims worth almost more than the car.

The same thing is happening to the mostly teenager generation. They will show off what great abs they have and brag about how many crunches they will do a day etc. Look on popular teen filled social networking sites like Facebook or Twitter everyone has their dumb mirror shot of their abs and they think they’re so well built. And every girl thinks they’re so sexy and stuff when to us the fitness world they look like pencil necked geeks. But ask them how to get really big legs and they’ll probably say go running on a treadmill. THIS NEEDS TO END. The worse part about this is they think they’re greek gods.

Lets go back to Steve Reeves’s time what was more important arm or chest size or abs. Lets go to Larry Scott’s time what was more important arm or chest size or abs. Arnolds time etc. But now they won’t go near a bench press or dumbbells cause why? You don’t need me to spell out the answer.

Do you think Arnold would be proud of this? All the years he’s been promoting bodybuilding this is what comes out about it. I want to get really skinny so I can have abs and look ripped cause theres no fat on me. With the help of all of Arnolds fans, hopefully recognizing how bad this is, make a effort. I want a day in the gym where I see guys posing in the mirror doing lat spreads or 3/4 poses not holding up your shot and looking at your abs. Thank You and help make a difference.


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Total Posts: 1

Joined 2012-07-25


i am 20 years old, i want six pack and perfect body shape. i m vegetarian. what i must do?  what will be my starting point?


Total Posts: 18

Joined 2012-07-23


Well the first thing you need to do is NOT be a vegetarian any longer. My reason for saying that is, despite popular belief, it is very bad for you. There is a reason why there’s cows, and pigs, and chickens on Earth and that is for consumption. You need meat to make muscle its why bodybuilders eat so much but the average person doesn’t need to go into that extent of it. I don’t really now what condition you are presently at so this will be pretty general. Alright lets get into this! First comes the perfect body shape. I like going by the best natural bodybuilder in history Steve Reeves’s workout out.
*On every exercise choose a weight that you can do 8-12 reps
3 sets of upright rows
3 sets of standing shoulder presses
3 sets of bent over lateral raises
3 sets of wide grip barbell bench press
3 sets of dumbbell incline press with a pronating grip
3 sets of Dumbbell Flys
3 sets of Pull ups or pull downs
3 sets of Low Pulley Lat pulls(seated cable rows)
3 sets of 1 arm dumbbell rows
3 sets of standing barbell curls
3 sets of incline dumbbell curls
3 sets of preacher curls
3 sets of triceps pull downs
3 sets of behind the neck french presses
3 sets of a tricep extension bench press
3 sets of 1 arm Cross over or Dumbbell Cross faces
3 sets of half squats
3 sets of hack squats
3 sets of front squats
3 sets of leg curls
4 sets of Calf raises on a leg press
3 sets of Good Mornings
Repeat until you can’t do PERFECT FORM and on the least one try to hold yourself up as long as possible
Now What you wanna do for abs is lots of crunches and leg lifts and don’t use ab machines. Don’t use ab machines because it puts weight onto your abs which makes the bigger but they come out looking real weird cause they haven’t been properly trained. So lots of crunches, twisting crunches, legs lifts, and side twist to work obliques and intercostals.

Now that workout will build you up to a very impressive and perfect physique. DON’T TAKE FOOD SUPPLEMENTS OR PROTEIN POWDER CAUSE THAT STUFF IS FAKE AND USELESS. Eat a protein bar they taste a lot better.

Now to get the real abs you have to just simply start losing fat. Don’t lose more than 3 pounds a week because than its taking away you’re muscles you’ve been training so long and hard for. But you won’t even need to lose that much weight so its not really a problem. Just make sure you don’t eat too many calories a day and stay away from sugar and wheat.

What all of this will give you is a perfect looking body with great abs too. This will look amazing not like any of those skinny weirdos with nothing but abs. This is very very rare but heres almost a perfect chart too some up what you should look like.
Bicep size = 252% of wrist size
Calf size = 192% of ankle size
Neck size = 79%of head size
Chest size = 148% of pelvis size
Waist size = 86% of pelvis size
Thigh Size = 175% of knee size
Weight = 295% of height
Another general guideline for weight say your 5’8” you should weigh 175 pounds
5’9” you should be at 180 pounds and for every inch you are just add 5 pounds. BUt if you’re over 6 ft you take 10 pounds jumps for every inch.

Well thats all I have too say.  If you need clarification or advice on anything just give me more of you’re info like height, weight, body type and stuff such as that contact me through here and remember NO BRAIN NO GAIN. and PUMP SOME IRON

nish - 25 July 2012 10:04 PM

i am 20 years old, i want six pack and perfect body shape. i m vegetarian. what i must do?  what will be my starting point?


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