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Total Recall book signing tour
Does anyone know if Arnold be doing a UK book signing for the Total Recall book?
Does anyone know if Arnold be doing a UK book signing for the Total Recall book?
So far the only book signing info I can come up with is
Friday, October 5th, 6 p.m. – Arnold Schwarzenegger will be signing copies of his new book Total Recall: My Unbelievably True Life Story at the Barnes and Noble located at 189 The Grove Drive, inside of the Grove shopping center, in Los Angeles.
Does anyone know if Arnold be doing a UK book signing for the Total Recall book?
That would be awesome if he could do a UK book signing. Is there anyone going to the LA book signing?
“You’re Fired!” - Harry Tasker - True Lies
Watch the trailer for Arnold Schwarzenegger’s memoir ‘Total Recall’—EXCLUSIVE VIDEO
Watch the trailer for Arnold Schwarzenegger’s memoir ‘Total Recall’—EXCLUSIVE VIDEO
Awesome! Thanks!!
“You’re Fired!” - Harry Tasker - True Lies
That trailer is so GREAT! I guess he’s not doing his 3 different back cover idea he started with. The uncertainty is the only reason I haven’t pre-ordered the book yet
Has anyone heard any rumors or facts about future book signings for “Total Recall”?
[Can anyone tell me if Arnie will be attending the UK for book signings?? Desperate for my boyf and me to meet him..
Keep checking there for updates on when and where.
Hi, does anyone know if Arnold is coming to Northern Ireland or Ireland?
“You’re Fired!” - Harry Tasker - True Lies
They seemed to have stopped updating at
Hopefully they update it soon.
I would keep checking his face book or twitter accounts for any of his announcements of tour dates.
They seemed to have stopped updating at
Hopefully they update it soon.
I would keep checking his face book or twitter accounts for any of his announcements of tour dates.
Yeah I will keep checking back thanks
“You’re Fired!” - Harry Tasker - True Lies
I got to see the man himself!! He even said HELLO !! Thanks Arnold for such a super morning at the BOOK SIGNING,,WATERSTONES, LONDON!!..TODAY:)
I got to see the man himself!! He even said HELLO !! Thanks Arnold for such a super morning at the BOOK SIGNING,,WATERSTONES, LONDON!!..TODAY:)
Great ! You got to see Arnold !
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Can anyone tell me whether the book Total Recall has sold successfully around the world and has been a success?