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Cervical problem during progress!


Total Posts: 1

Joined 2013-01-10


Dear Arnold,
I am a 33 year old guy….average built…..and i have been going to the gym for the last 8 months…I have been in and out of the gym since i was 19 years old…but not continuous.
Ok….now coming back to the present….....after about 6 months of steady routine, i decided to boost up a bit and started increasing the weights gradually…i was greatly self motivated and progressing with a happily motivated set of mind. But just on the 8th month i got struck by a cervical problem what we call “Spodilytis”. The doctor I referred to said it was a minor injury too and asked me to stay out of excercise for atleast 1 month now. I am greatly saddened and still waiting on for the 1 month medication/ rest to end soon. But I have developed a fear of getting to the same state again, once I start.
Please help and guide!!

Yours truly ardent fan
Assam, India


Total Posts: 457

Joined 2012-09-19


i have got rheumatic arthritis and severe pain in my back. About one and a half years ago i was completely confined to bed. During that time a great tragedy struck- my father passed away. Now i am up and about but i have severe pain in my spine and in both the sides of my back i have cramps as i do some movement. The cramp hapens inside my body and it lasts for 5-6 seconds and i can’t breathe and there is severe pain inside my body. As i move the cramps happen and after 5-6 seconds goes. i also have severe constipation though i am a vegetarian and i take very light and spices-free health food like green vegetables, fruits, fibre product at night and no dairy products.