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Get in Shape


Total Posts: 3

Joined 2013-02-16


I will always be an Arnold fan and watching Terminator 2 and 3 first the terminator don’t need a tan like in T3 also age is not a factor you need to show those muscles again Sly movies flopped because not for weak story but poor delivery in the screen writing. The Last Stand was good but you are being judge on T -2 presentation and with a body of a past Olympia So Get ripped to shreds get James Cameron on Board and give us The Best Terminator or Schwarzenegger movie we have ever seen.
Now i Suggest that in the New Terminator movie that you were a special opps soldier and that you use to perform like a terminator and that in you head are some codes the a new terminator wants out of you head and that Sarah is your daughter showing a blood relationship and you have to protect her from the Terminator as a retired opp and you live in the jungle making the terminator like a predator type situation. Take your time strong story good delivery and the real return of Schwarzenegger. Then we will know he is back. Put the time and effort into yourself and your movie dont just through out cheap quick movies. We deserve better !