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Mind good*Good spirit
Depression: The Evil of the Centur
» Abstract: Research shows that about 20% of the world population has one or more episodes of major depression during their lives, and grows increasingly, it is estimated that depression will occupy the second place among the causes of disease and disability worldwide in year 2020. Women are the main affected by the disease, and WHO estimates that depression ranks fourth among the top ten tails morbidity worldwide. This disease is seen as a true mental disorder, severely debilitating, to the point of being considered by many as the “disease of the century”. The present study aims to study the disorder and its causes, symptoms, and to propose an intervention in order to minimize the impact of the same individual
Seek sufficient social support: Generally there is little frequency of depression in circles where there are strong ties of marital relationship, family, work or friends.
Keep an active life: Mind tasks that cause satisfaction and that are productive and edifying. Play sports or aerobic exercise.
Think properly: Avoid analyze negative situations.
Look at the past with prudence: the past can be a source of depression and also emotional well-being, rejoice with the times and happy events.
*Remember to stay calm and the good state of mind ! *
Im into martial arts since 30 years now, i like yer post! I use visualisation, meditation. After that, don’t step on my shoes! haha!!! seems there are lotta of interestin’ people here!
Wish ya all the best! and Hello to Mr Schwarzenegger ! You are my BEST !