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Am I doing it right?
I started working out about 3 weeks ago.
Constantly sore only because I work in IT (office job) and really don’t exercise.
Due to battling mental illness most my life (and still do) I haven’t ben at all active. I’ve suffered 2 strokes and a broken leg and recovered from them all. I am now 33 and its time to do something different. I am sick and tired of doing the wrong thing. So its time for change.
Enough of my life story.
When I workout I can only manage to do 3x15 sets and 1x6 to finish off when doing the weight machines mainly targetting my triceps, biceps, pecks and back muscles. Then I do cardio between rowing (ergo machine) and the indoor bikes.
I have seem some improvement on my strength in the 3 weeks I’ve been going. I started out on no 5 (how many weights) I use when using the machines. Now I am using 7-10 depending on the machine and if I am starting to fatigue due to workout out for awhile.
I’m sure I can do things better and doing some things wrong. I plan to get a PT but can’t afford one right now.. Should I keep to the x15 reps then finish off with 1x6?
I’m not obese and I guess a bit overweight. I’m about 165cm and 75kg. On the ergo machine my best time for 500m is 1m:32sec.
I’m pretty proud of what I’ve achived considering when I started 3 weeks ago lift “no 5” on the weights after 3 sets was bit of a struggle. Now I am finding I am needing to set it to 7 weights to challenge me and to 8 for the last set.
I am starting 3 days on 1 day off, I was doing 1 on, 1 off. But was told to switch to 3 on 1 off.
I hope that in 12 months I will be looking a lot better. Also I don’t eat all that much junk food as where I live (Australia) its price right. Its priced to be a luxury rather than cheaper than real food like elsewhere. So I just live off a diet of rice, fish (tuna), chicken and veges. With the odd protein shake (pea protein isolate) thrown in. I’m obviously not vegan or vegetarian but at least if I get a vego option for the supplement I know I am not supporting someone that sources ingredients from something thats inhumane to animals to bad for the environment.
Any suggestions tips? I don’t have any muscle as I’m a scrawny 33 yo IT lad.