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Get Fathom Events to Show ‘Conan the Barbarian’ (1982 film)
Dear Arnold,
I love your films and one of my favorites is ‘Conan the Barbarian.’ So much so that I am trying to get “Fathom Events” to show it! Fathom Events ( ) links up with movie theaters and will get older classics shown on the big screen, usually just for 1 or 2 nights.
Here is my Facebook group information:
“Get Fathom Events to Show ‘Conan the Barbarian’ (1982 film) action Group”
I have asked them to show your movie but they’ve denied my requests. That is why I made the group. My thinking is if it gets big enough then maybe they’ll get it shown.
It would be a great honor if you joined the group. How could they say no if Conan himself is a member! Also maybe you have certain contacts that can “convince” fathom events to play your movie.
Merry Christmas to you and your family!