Post by Sean Hyson | 10/14/2014

5 Training FAQ’s Answered Correctly

Ask a dozen different trainers a simple fitness question and you’re liable to get a dozen different answers. The aim of this article is to give you the simplest, most specific advice to a variety of questions people who lift weights ask all the time. Read more

Post by Jason Tremblay & Andrew Vigotsky | 07/30/2014

The Science of Advanced Bodybuilding Exercise Prescription

Five years ago as I first watched Arnold training, I couldn’t help but let my mind wander – why was he using this rep range, why was he using momentum on his barbell curls, what is the purpose of his training program being laid out the way that it is? Read more

Post by Tim Henriques | 07/09/2014

4 Strategies for a Bigger Bench

You want a bigger bench, I want a bigger a bench, everybody wants a bigger bench. The only people that exercise but don’t want a bigger bench are those that aren’t good at it and they have convinced themselves the lift doesn't really matter. Read more