
Honoring Governor Pete Wilson

Yesterday, we came together to honor Governor Pete Wilson. I told everyone there I wanted to share it with the world, because everyone needed to see how Democrats and Republicans can come together and respect each other. We don't need to see each other as the enemy.

Governor Wilson is a Republican, but Speaker Willie Brown, the Democratic leader he battled with in negotiations, was right there with him. Governor Davis, a Democrat, led the meeting. You all know we battled it out in an election and I'm a Republican, but you may not know we are great friends and still work together.

We need to step back from this insane politics of hatred and division and learn that we will only get things done by working together. Why hasn't Washington done anything on immigration or the debt in decades? I would say because they haven't learned what we have learned in California - that we can disagree but still work together, still respect each other, and still put the people first.

I hope this inspires you to lay down your partisan weapons and find a way to respect the people who disagree with you.